My powers of persuasion are seriously lacking these days. I'm not sure if I should laugh or be crushed. J is spending the week working only an hour and a half away. Just like normal, he decided to get a hotel room close to where he was working. It wasn't until it was brought to my attention that I even thought this was odd. So, of course, I decided I might as well give him a hard time and ask why he's not coming home every night. The answers I got were mildly...well, lame. The first was the fact that he'd have to get up at 4:30 every morning. Ok, that I can understand. The second is that he didn't know how late he'd be working every night. (Can I just state that he hasn't worked past 3:30 any day this week?). Needless to say, I lost the debate. No big deal. Until I get a phone call today saying he's going to be home every night for the rest of the week. The reason - not because I asked. Nope, it's because a RR guy told him he should. Ahh, the power of the RR guys. I'm completely jealous.

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