Sometimes the weight of the things I do, the bad decisions I so willingly make, hit me hard, waking me to realize I'm an idiot. Often. And I'm not sure why I continue the cycle without hesitation. It's gotten to the point where I can see what's ahead but somehow I continue to make the mistake again and again and again. Insanity.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
A Happy Little Thursday
OK, so maybe it wasn't as good as other Thursdays I've heard rumors about but getting a call from my dad saying he's buying me a treadmill "just because [he] wanted to", a package from my mom with Turbo tax inside, a surprise delivery of tulips (my favorites) from my stepmom, and a 4 year old who asked to go to bed 30 minutes early made my day pretty darn good. It's still nearly 5 months until my birthday, so the question is: was I just having an especially surprise-filled day or am I dying and no one's told me yet?
And, now, to top it all off, I find 3 emails in my inbox this morning from faraway friends I rarely talk to. Hmmm....maybe I should play the lottery next???
Posted by
11:48 AM
Of Course, I'd Be Happy To Be A Nielsen Family
An extra excuse to watch TV? Yeah, count me in and watch the HGTV ratings skyrocket!!
*Wow, I think I've just proven I'm more of a dork than even I thought possible.
Posted by
9:56 AM
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Consider It A Kindness
I haven't intentionally ignored posting. It's just that my words haven't been coming out right lately; my tone is wrong or I simply say the wrong thing at the wrong time. So, I've canceled out all the recent urges to post. Besides, who wants to hear my constant chatter about painting walls, allergies, moving, and pole dancing? I haven't even taken the time to add my recent reads to my book count. I'm just all off kilter this week. A little more sun and a little more caffeine should bring me back to normal.
Oh, and the pole dancing? I was just seeing if you were paying attention.
Posted by
1:55 PM