It has been brought to my attention that recently my posts have been a little "out there." I'm not exactly sure what that means. But it's probably a good thing that I didn't mention that my cartoon dreaming included everyone also being a human/rabbit cross in animated form. Then you'd really think I'm crazy :)
Anyway, I think that the only cure for my recent alleged bout with insanity is a night filled with poker and cheesy 80's music. Bubble Burster, this is where you step in and help me out. Are you free Saturday? Because my calendar has suddenly cleared up and the blender is calling our names...
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Drug Induced Posts? No. Vacation Needing Posts? Maybe.
Posted by
8:23 PM
Have I Mentioned This Before? If So, It Bears Repeating.
I'm no good at goodbyes or at letting go.
It's likely that eventually I'll die of nostalgia.
Posted by
2:11 PM
Is It Tomorrow Yet?
Today is turning out to be stranger than I'd like. I'm apparently on my own little emotional roller coaster (grouchy, sad, fine, sad, fine, blah). Maybe it's the weather? Maybe it's because I can't get warm today? Maybe I should've known it was going to be a weird day when I woke up this morning dreaming in cartoon?
But, hey, in good news? I'm typing with all 10 fingers again!! Bring on the keyboards... Oh, and if you could throw in a cup of fancy schmancy coffee, that'd be great, too.
Posted by
11:41 AM
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
He Couldn't Escape My Bad Genes Forever
It's official, starting Friday Noah will be wearing glasses part-time. Poor guy. I think he's plotting ways to disown me and my bad eye DNA.
Posted by
4:39 PM
It Seems I Never Learn
Sometimes my ignorance about people astonishes even me.
Posted by
1:19 PM
This Is What Happens When You Show Your Excitement Too Early In The Day
So yesterday I expressed my unnatural happiness about receiving a 90's classic in the mail. I should've known better. After the kids were snugly tucked in and all was quiet, I sat down eager to start my evening with Angela and her teenage angst. Imagine how crushed I was when I discovered that the disc was broken. Straight down the middle with only the sticker on the front holding the whole thing together. So...what's a girl to do when her cheesy plans for an evening with the TV are destroyed? The only thing left - I watched porn.
Ok, so I'm lying. What? You wanted me to tell you that I watched 3 old episodes of The Office instead? That I thought about popping in Annie? No way. Porn would be much more shocking coming from the MML.
But not that surprising... :)
Posted by
9:50 AM
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
A Quick Aside
First things first...I'm a big nerd. No question.
Second...I'm a nerd that likes making lists.
Third...people always are asking how many books I read a year (I have no idea why??) I always guess (probably around 4o? 45?) but I've never actually counted. Until now. I'm adding a list here so I can answer this question easily this year.
Warning...I read a lot of junk. Books are my reality TV not my PBS.
Feel free to ignore the list on the bottom right or join me in my indulgence of quick reads and historical fiction. Either way, it's over there waiting...
Posted by
6:25 PM
Unsurprising Revelation
I'm done. At least for a day or two. I'm tired of thinking the same things over and over so I'm desperately searching for distractions instead. Is it wrong that I'm practically giddy because I received disc one of "My So Called Life" from Netflix today? Wait, don't answer that.
By the way, neatly slicing into your finger while making dinner is not the kind of distraction I was looking for. Typing with 9 fingers isn't distracting - just incredibly frustrating. And, can I just say OWWWWWWWWW!
Posted by
6:06 PM
Monday, January 7, 2008
And Before You Draw Conclusions
Or try to read between the lines...I should tell you that I'm not sad or full of angst. It's only the unseasonably beautiful weather that's playing tricks on my thinking today... :)
Posted by
2:45 PM
The fine line between too much and not enough.
My lack of grace never allowed me to walk that close to the edge without falling one way or the other. And, I've gotta say, middle of the road is looking pretty good from here. If only I could figure out the way back to center...
Posted by
2:33 PM
Because I Know You're Dying To Know
How does the MML spend a Sunday night now that reality has returned? Watching Iron Chef America and Property Virgins and reading a book. Fascinating, I know. I can barely believe it myself.
Posted by
9:54 AM
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Dear TLG,
You know why I now love you? Not only did you entertain my kids for 3 hours so J and I could catch a dinner and movie with friends last night but you also had Liv playing so hard that she slept until 9:30 this morning. That is no easy feat and I think you will be seeing more of us from now on. Because everybody knows I'll gladly pay $35 to sleep in...
Posted by
3:40 PM
Please, Neighbor, Don't Hurt Me
I promise that I didn't use one ounce of my POS against your Steelers. Before you turn your wrath on me, just remember that I diligently kept your daughter's fish alive for her this weekend while you were away. And you wouldn't hurt a petsitter, would you?
Posted by
3:38 PM