The move to Ohio has been on the horizon for a full month but it wasn't until today while I was cleaning out the empty apartment that it hit me. I'm not even sure what I'm sad about - all the sweet emails I've gotten from people that I've only just met? The words of friendship from those I've recently reconnected with? Those close friends who I rarely see but talk to often that will suddenly seem so much farther away? Or is it leaving the only state I've ever lived in? The fact that my family is still in Virginia? Or am I simply stressed and tired and overwhelmed with having to deal with the details of relocating all over again? I don't know. But, the melancholy keeps striking at odd moments. There are no tears, just a blanket of sadness to remind me that I'm going to miss it all no matter how much I've tried to go with the flow.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
You Know It's Gotten Out Of Control
When you arrive at your home early to beat the movers so you can have time to figure out which box has the cables for your computer because you've decided you can't live without the internet for a day, you know your obsession may have gotten out of hand. In my defense (because you know I've gotta have an excuse!) my job today is to sit and watch the movers carry stuff out of the apartment. That's it. I can't help or do anything other than answer questions. Everything I own is packed...even all my books. And the only way I can stay awake through 5 or 6 hours of doing absolutely nothing is to hang out with my beloved internet. Maybe, just maybe, I'll catch up on all my unanswered email....Nah, that would be too much to expect from me :)
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9:49 AM
Monday, October 27, 2008
After All This Time
I've finally decided what secret I'm sending to PostSecret. If you know how to draw some good horn-rimmed glasses or some other MML appropriate accessory, I'll tell you the secret in advance. Because, I'm so not artistic. Is it silly that the "decorating the postcard" part is the only thing that's been holding me back? Sheesh!
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5:30 PM