And so recent good things are coming to an end. You would think I would expect it, wouldn't you? But I'm learning that my ability to hope is much stronger than my ability to reason. The stinkin' secret optimism plays me for a fool again.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Thursday, January 31, 2008
It's Almost Time
In 2 quick hours, I'll be dropping off N for his weeklong trip to the Caribbean with the in-laws. With J in Atlanta and N soaking up rays, it'll just be Liv and I here at the house until next Friday. I'm not sure if we can last that long without the boys. It's gonna be strange. I miss them already.
Posted by
1:23 PM
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
My Heron Has Returned
I call him mine because I doubt there is anyone that gets as much joy as I do from seeing him in the backyard. I'm glad his visits have become regular again. I'd missed watching him from the kitchen window, letting him keep me from my daily routine.
Posted by
3:23 PM
All Signs Point To It
Point 1: Tomorrow is Thursday.
Point 2: The kids don't have school on Friday.
Point 3: Peach Vodka is on my list.
Point 4: I have poison ivy (i.e. - it's basically summertime).
All of which lead to only one question: What time does the EP start?
Posted by
11:42 AM
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Random Lyrics
Posted by
11:45 AM
Monday, January 28, 2008
An Unexpected Spot Of Summer
This month has been filled with little momentary sparks of summer, reminders of why I miss longer days and warm nights but this morning I woke up with a summer-y memory that I could live without - a touch of poison ivy. I should've known better than to hang out with boys burning brush but when do I ever pay attention to what I already know?
Posted by
7:27 PM
Sunday, January 27, 2008
10:30am Musings
I've decided that for Halloween this year I need to be the Swedish Chef. I really, really do.

Posted by
10:38 AM
1am Musings
After we got home last night I couldn't fall asleep. I'm not sure why...maybe my body had been prepared for a later evening? Maybe I was still feeling the coffee I'd had that afternoon? Either way, I just could not stop tossing and turning, couldn't get comfortable. So instead of getting up and doing something productive I stayed in bed, replaying the evening in my head, planning for future evenings, thinking of things I need to get done, etc, etc and I suddenly realized that for all the talk I do about moving and selling the house, I can't actually picture us leaving. I mean, really, can you ever actually see us not being here, in this neighborhood, having these weekend evenings? I can't wrap my little brain around that possibility. And that's scary since it's inevitable. Eventually.
Posted by
10:31 AM