I woke up this morning with thoughts of editing already in my head. It's a little early in the game to be thinking this way. There's no way I've grown past making a fool of myself. So, for now, I'll just type spontaneously and forget to look back...
Monday, January 3, 2011
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Or maybe I should call it accountability. I'm not a big believer in New Year's Resolutions. I mean, I like resolving to do things. I just don't think it's necessary to wait until January 1st to do it.
And now I'm completely distracted by my dog, who has apparently gotten a piece of gum from somewhere. I'm not sure whether to wrestle it away from her or to just sit and be entertained.
And now the phone is ringing. How can I resolve anything with all this going on?
OK, so where was I? Oh, right, resolutions. I don't usually do them but I'm thinking maybe I should. I mean, I need to do all the regular things: exercise more, eat less, find more happiness in everyday moments, and work on getting our finances in better order (i.e. - save more, spend less). But, there are other things I need to work on, too. We are getting ready to start our home improvement projects. Which means I have lots to learn. And I can't wait! I also need to make more time for friends. I need to play more with my kids. I need to go to the doctor. I need to start a vegetable garden. There are a million billion things I want to do or need to do. So, I guess I'll think about it and consider making a short list of goals for the year. I'll have to get back to you on this...
Posted by
7:25 PM
Dear Vodka,
Oh, you make me say things that shouldn't be said. You convince me to share secrets that are better left tucked away. You make me forget myself or at least who I'm supposed to be.
But, you know what? Sometimes there is a strange sort of freedom and relief in that.
At least that's the story I'm sticking with...for now.
Best Regards,
P.S. - Thanks for not giving me a headache.
Posted by
2:35 PM
Trying It On For Size...Again
Apparently I only blogged one time in 2010. I think I should be rewarded for such amazing lack of motivation! It's not that I didn't want to write but...hmm...I think sometimes you are lucky enough to be surrounded by people that you share everything with, tell anything to, and become your complete self around. When you're that lucky, you don't necessarily have anything left that you NEED to share with the world. But I guess that doesn't mean that I shouldn't blog. Goodness knows, I need to use my brain more. Lately I'm pretty sure it's turning to mush. And, so, here I go. Attempting to blog again, for good or for bad...
Posted by
12:42 PM