Getting to hang out with a beautiful 3 month old baby also helped me get over myself today 'cause, man, I'm a sucker for babies. Especially when they smile those big toothless grins. If that doesn't make you feel better I don't know what will.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
When I'd Begun To Doubt
It's no big revelation that I haven't been having the easiest time lately and I was fully prepared for today to be a very difficult day for reasons I don't want to talk about. And then a friend said exactly the right things at exactly the right time. And I realized that I got my wish...sometimes people can surprise me. Thanks P for going in the exact opposite direction I expected you to go and making my day a little bit lighter.
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12:28 PM
Monday, June 23, 2008
After Spending Time Looking Back, There Should Be A Rule
I should not be allowed to blog when I'm tired or sad or irritated lest you think I'm grouchy all the time. The funny thing is that I usually feel back to normal 10 minutes after I post. Someone who shall remain nameless once told me that he didn't think I could write unless I was in a bad mood. That can't be true but I do find that I vent here too often. I'm thinking I should bottle things up more...the explosions are more spectacular that way :)
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8:47 AM