Even in the middle of a killer migraine, Bubble Bursters who, honestly, cannot resist the need to burst my "Internet knows all" bubble and who suddenly realize what the rest of us have known all along (where did you think your alien wife came from? Other aliens. Duh) crack me up. I think laughing out loud about it was the only thing that kept my head from imploding last night. And that is a pretty good thing.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Laughter Is The Best Medicine (or at least it dulls the pain)
Posted by
7:44 AM
Thursday, February 28, 2008
I've Long Suspected It
I went to this website today that I found on another blog. Allegedly, it tells you how many other people in the U.S. share your name. It was no surprise that 23 people have my married name. After all, our last name is common enough. So, then I put in my maiden name just for kicks and here's what I found out. While 37,941 people share my first name and 1,123 share my former last name :
What this means is that I used to be the only one. Completely unique. And then I got married and all the specialness was sucked right out of me. It's a good thing I'm pretty sure J is worth it. Not that I'm telling him that... :)
Posted by
5:14 PM
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Too Sleepy To Save Myself
So the aliens returned last night. I don't know, maybe it was the fog and the wind stoking my imagination. Maybe it was the strange way the lights from the neighboring houses were diffused into the air when I walked around outside in the chilly dark night. Either way, when I went to bed last night I was pretty sure something was lurking around the house. That, added with the howling of the wind was kind of freaking me out. Did I mention that it was very very dark inside? Yeah, there was that, too. And, of course, as I'm laying in bed I'm thinking scary things and getting myself even more paranoid. Because it seems that's what I do when I'm in bed by myself. I had just gotten myself almost worked up enough to call next door to ask if there were any OBG's available to check out the house for me. And, then I realized that the thin white tshirt I was wearing combined with a very cold house did not make for appropriate attire. Even for a "Help. Aliens are attacking" middle of the night emergency call. And, then I realized that I was too lazy to throw anything else on. Too lazy to save myself from possible alien abduction. When I woke up this morning safe and sound, I figured it must be because aliens don't abduct slackers. Which is good because I needed more excuses...
Posted by
3:16 PM
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
And Then The Good
Reconnecting with my old buddy, Howdy, after 7 long years. And that, my friends, is why I love the internet.
Posted by
12:43 PM
First The Bad News
As usual it was a song that clued me in. What seemed a surprise was really what I should've expected all along. A perfect realization for a cold, rainy day.
Posted by
12:40 PM
Monday, February 25, 2008
The Circular Segues That Kept Sleep At Bay
My new cough got me thinking, relentlessly, about whether we have cough medicine in the cabinet which made me think about grocery lists which got me thinking about more lists which made me think of obsessions which made me think of crushes - both childhood and adult, which made me think of spring which made me think about getting stuff done outside which reminded me that I need to separate the hostas this year which made me think of seasonal allergies which made me think of being sick which, of course, made me think of the medicine in my cabinet. Cough, cough. Damn, I need a nap.
Posted by
11:15 AM