What The Thunder Said

Monday, December 29, 2008


I've just finished my last book of 2008. I've read some amazing books this year but my hands down favorite has got to be The Time Traveler's Wife. I'm not interested in reviewing them and, honestly, I doubt I'll list what I read in 2009. It's too hard for me to remember to post the titles and I know I probably forgot at least 1 or 2 this year. 44 is a good number, an even number, and pretty good considering all the drama and upheaval we've had this year. Now, I'm sitting here looking at my shelves wondering what to read next, wondering if I should go out and buy a new book right now...

*Just so ya know, Outlander and The Outlander on my list are not the same book. Similar titles, very different stories. I recommend both :)