I have so much admiration for those who can find a reason to be motivated this time of year. I'd prefer to hibernate through January and February, maybe waking occasionally to read a book or watch a movie (while properly bundled under blankets, of course). Bet you didn't think I could get any more slackerish, huh? Well, winter is here for me to prove you wrong :)
Friday, January 4, 2008
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Do You Realize
that sometimes it's just as hard to be the stubborn one as it is to deal with the stubbornness? Because giving up is always the hardest part.
Posted by
12:17 PM
Winter Is Not Made For Insomnia
I need some sleep. Now. The nights are too freakin' long to start this whole restless thing again so soon. And, yes, it's also too cold to sit outside and brood about it.
Posted by
7:46 AM
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
The Hazards Of Secret Posting
While my mom was visiting yesterday she asked what I was looking at on the computer. "Oh," I told her, "it's just some blog that I read. It's pretty funny...making fun of people's old family pictures and stuff." Mom just shook her head and said "It's too bad people don't have better things to do with their time." Now, was she commenting on the fact that they were making fun of the pictures or the idea of blogging? Oh, how I hope it was the blogging...because suddenly that would make my goal for 2008 finding lots of bad ways to spend my time...
Posted by
11:52 AM
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year
So on our way back from hiking today I started thinking that I'm probably supposed to be reflecting on the past year and starting to think about what I want from 2008. But, the truth is I'm not really in a contemplative mood...fresh air sucks it all out of me. I've never been one for resolutions, thinking it's kind of silly to wait until the beginning of a year to make changes if you know you need to make them. Sure, I could say that I want to start exercising in a regular sort of way or I could say that I want to lose 20 pounds or be a better person or whatever else it is that people resolve each year. But, instead, I'm just gonna say that I thought 2007 was going to be a hard, long year. And, you know what? It wasn't. Maybe I shouldn't reveal that despite the rough patches it was one of the best years I've had in a long time. Maybe it was all the backyard camping, margaritas, late nights, blogging, taking charge of the entire householdness of it all. Whatever it was, it was better than I could've hoped and my only wish is that 2008 be just as good. Aliens and all...
Posted by
6:30 PM
Sunday, December 30, 2007
This Is What I Love About A Rainy Sunday
- Eating my great grandmother's zucchini bread instead of a real lunch.
- Finally getting around to sorting all those socks at the bottom of the laundry basket.
- Birdwatching on a rainy day is the best. Dozens of finches and cardinals and chickadees and tufted titmice (titmouses??) on the poplar out back plus the red bellied woodpecker that came to visit the newest feeder today. Mmm...suet, anyone?
- My Christmas cactus is blooming. I inherited this plant in the spring and had no idea what it was or what to do with it. Everyone always comments on its perkiness. Now it's covered in red buds.
- Maybe I'll take a nap. Maybe I won't.
- I finished a book that made me want to cry and figured out a few things in the process. (The Mermaid Chair by Sue Monk Kidd if you're wondering).
- I only realized about an hour ago it's only Sunday. We still have the other half of a four day weekend to go.
- I also realized earlier that I've watched my words too carefully on this blog the past few months...something that defeats the whole purpose of posting for me. Not that I have anything provocative to say today or most days. But I thought I should throw out the warning :)
- The best part of today? It's not even close to being over yet.
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2:13 PM