How else to explain the cluster of tiny little bruises all over the top of my foot this morning? I'm not even sure I want to know how that happened...
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Snow Day
This time I was ready for the snow day. It's January and here that's when snow is perfectly acceptable. When the automated school recording thing called at 6, I smiled and went back to sleep. Lovely. (Of course, this is also when I muttered "It better actually snow today" because in Virginia, where people seem to fear snow, school is often canceled before the first flake ever falls. Dumb, I know).
So, we went outside and it was beautiful. The snow fell on us the entire time (I tried to take a picture of what I looked like when we came in since I forgot a hat but I couldn't convey the sense of crunchy snow caked hair adequately), it was even deep enough for us to sled without tearing up the grass. Oh, and the sledding. I laughed until I couldn't catch my breath. Although I've never passed out from laughing so hard before, I think I'd like to try it. The kids were great except when S flew into the shed. Knew I should've shut that door... Sorry, S!! M actually got airborne on a solo mission. Awesomely Awesome. Sledding and snow and grilled cheese with tomato soup for lunch. What else do you need? Oh, right, husbands to come home in time for Round 2. That would make it even better.
Posted by
12:25 PM
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
My Favorite Stalker
Posted by
8:50 AM
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Not Even An Eeek Escaped
After 16 years of driving, it's finally happened. I hit my first animal while driving today. My stepbrother flipped his SUV last week trying to avoid a dog (the dog was killed anyway, my brother crawled out with only some nasty scrapes and bruises) and I had that accident fresh in my mind. Still, I didn't think I'd actually hit the little squirrel that just wouldn't run this morning. I couldn't swerve into oncoming traffic so I slowed down as much as I could and...ugh. Liv was in the car with me and I didn't want to freak her out so I didn't say anything even though inside I was jumping up and down and screeching. Instead, I contorted my face into the ugliest possible position and kept on driving. 16 years and not even a frog or a snake has passed under my tires. I'm really sorry, Squirrel.
Posted by
9:39 AM
Monday, January 14, 2008
As I Creep Closer To 300
Random lyrics have been away for a little while. Today when I heard "World Leader Pretend" from R.E.M. on the radio I knew what I'd be quoting today.
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7:20 PM
How The Mirror Just Made Me Laugh
Oh, my Mild Mannered Librarian persona is in full swing today. I just caught a glimpse of myself passing by a mirror and actually laughed out loud. Pink, tailored button down shirt, brown shoes, hair in a messy bun-esque updo. The only thing that's saving me today is that I'm wearing jeans instead of a skirt. Now where did I put my glasses...
Posted by
2:07 PM
There's A Teeny, Tiny Chance I Could Be Wrong
Remember when I said that I didn't see the point of a New Year's Resolution? Sitting here sipping my Constant Comment, my little wishy-washy brain is trying to convince me I spoke too soon. But, really, if you resolve to do something and it happens to be January, that doesn't mean it's necessarily a New Year's Resolution, right? Just impeccable timing?
Posted by
9:19 AM
Sunday, January 13, 2008
My Original Estimate May Have Been Off
4 books in 12 days means that I may read more each year than I thought. But, surely, it's just because the last few books have been quick and easy. I always try to sprinkle a few classics into my reading and that typically slows me waaaaaay down (Les Miserables, anyone? Ugh.) Anyway, the last two books made me cry so apparently it's time for some lighter reading. Because I need a day or two where I don't have to explain to the kids why a story has made me all teary eyed.
Posted by
2:21 PM
Make No Mistake, It Was Exactly What I Asked For
I woke up this morning thinking that Saturday may have been a bad judgement call from 6:30pm until I fell asleep at 2:30am. But that's what White Cranberry Cosmos and poker will do to you, I guess. It's not the vodka that I'm lamenting. Only my own predictability.
Posted by
2:10 PM