What The Thunder Said

Saturday, December 27, 2008

These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things

Suddenly I think "dubious" is tonight's favorite word. Could it be because I've had too much to drink? Possibly. Vanilla vodka and dubious make for a very entertaining combination :)Damn, and 67 degrees at midnight really, really make me wish it was an EP kinda night.

Lazy, Summery Saturday

The kids are away for the weekend, J is dozing on the couch. The Wii is turned off and the windows are open. Listening to the wind blow through the last remaining dry leaves on the trees out back, hearing the distant hum of a leafblower, and the random twitter of satisfied little birds, I am happy. This Saturday is lazy, slow, and warm, ripening to perfection.

Friday, December 26, 2008

December 26th

I woke up this morning suffering from a Christmas hangover. It's just like a regular hangover but without all the alcohol. Was it from excessive Wii playing? Or the higher than normal sugar consumption? The simple excitement of Christmas? Hmm..maybe it's not a hangover at all. Maybe N gave me his cold for Christmas? The gift that keeps on giving. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.

*On the bright side there was excess Wii playing, higher than normal sugar consumption and excitement! I just need something for my headache. Now, where did I put that vodka?????

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Just One

One of my favorite Christmas songs and I rarely get to hear it so I'm posting it here:

Sunday, December 21, 2008


I awoke to a blue sky this morning. The sun was shining through the windows in my bedroom, warming my face. I was so happy to see the light streaming through the house that I'm not even going to complain about the 20 degree high or the -6 windchill...