What The Thunder Said

Saturday, September 8, 2007

My Impeccable Timing Strikes Again

Two postings consisting of psycho rambling and rage that I managed to delete before anyone saw. Inhale, Exhale. It actually works.

Random Song Lyric #29

She says forget what you have to do
pretend there's nothing
outside this room.
Like an idea she came to me
but she came too late
or maybe too soon.
She Says - Ani Difranco

I Know It Makes No Sense

But I never really liked perfect. Last night was no exception. They say that sometimes you have to try a food a dozen times before you appreciate the taste. So, I'll keep chewing and swallowing with a smile on my face and maybe soon enough I'll ask for it everytime.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Random Song Lyric #115

In my head all morning:

For when my hand was holding hers
She whispered words and I awoke
And faintly bouncing around the room
The echo of whomever spoke
Bouncing Around The Room - Phish

Just So You Know

Because I can respect a good soapbox every now and then, I didn't run with the iPod today. I didn't run at all, actually...but, I did go for a walk before coming inside and riding a bike that never goes anywhere interesting. So, that counts, I think. 3 days of exercise. Week One of the bet is over!!!!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Oh! Guess I Was Wrong

I didn't realize that I had two posts still in draft form. So, this is post 100. Oh well, all that previous excitement was for nothin'...

I Think I Post Too Much

I hit 100, ONE HUNDRED, posts today. Wow, my first blogging milestone. Sweeeeeeeeet!

And, now for the bad news, my throat hurts. I couldn't possibly be getting sick right before EP5, could I? That is not even an option. Because this EP has no choice but to be AandAA, even better than GOGP topped with Bryer's strawberry ice cream. I have POS on my side.

Not So Random Song Lyric #47 1/2

You can call me Pavlov's dog.
Ring a bell and I'll salivate. How'd you like that?
Brian Wilson - BNL

It Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time

Running Day Two. In case you wondered...although Flathead seems like the perfect song to get you moving faster, it's not very helpful when you have to keep singing and air drumming while trying to run.

And, in other good news, our phone is now working normally!! Yay! No more phantom rings or weird noises on the other end. Thanks, Embarq...it only took you a week and a half to look at it.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Dern vs. Confluence?

Sometimes, a perfect day is full of imperfections. Sometimes, the things you say are more than you realize. Sometimes, a wish becomes airborne before you've even formed the words.

Random Song Lyric #61

Shut your eyes and think of somewhere,
somewhere cold and caked in snow.
By the fire we break the quiet,
learn to wear each other well.

Shut Your Eyes - Snow Patrol

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Because This Is What I Do

I take what I find and run with every thread I can hold onto. When the end comes I pull and pull until I'm left with nothing but pieces, wondering what happened.

And The World's Best Mom Award Goes To...

Not me. A rough back-to-school morning where everything went wrong but we pulled it off just in time.

As for the rest of the day...now I'm sitting here feeling myself slowly starting to slide down that giant hill again. But, I'm trying, really fighting, to make it around the corner, back up to where I had been.

And I Didn't Even Die

Day One of Running completed. Only 8 gazillion more to go. I think someone added extra hills into the neighborhood when I wasn't looking...

Random Song Lyric #12

You must learn to stand your ground
It's not healthy to run at this pace
The blood runs so red to my face
I've been to every single book I know
To soothe the thoughts that plague me so.

Be Still My Beating Heart - Sting

Monday, September 3, 2007

Random Song Lyric #47

Call it impulsive, call it compulsive, call it insane,
but when I'm surrounded I just can't stop.

Brian Wilson -- Barenaked Ladies

This Is How A Week Ends And Begins

Silent treatment and phony smiles. I love it when I'm a disappointment, especially when I don't even remember the moment when I chose to disappoint. But I'll bite my tongue and not say what I'm thinking - Suck it up, crybaby. You could have it worse.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Thanks, But I Don't Want Any Chicken...Well, Maybe Just One Bite

I hated to sneak away from my wonderful Saturday night like a thief this morning. But it was 8am and time to head home, back to reality. I needed a night like that...an old friend, great memories, sitting by a fire and laughing until I cried. Just remember (and I will, too), there are worse things than being content. And, sometimes, happiness stops by for a visit when you least expect it.