The differences between mid-August and mid-November are staggering. Time passes too quickly. Cold air arrives too soon. I told you I'm not good with change.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Friday, November 16, 2007
5 Things You May Not Know
1. I never cry at sad movies no matter how much I want to. But I cry in the shower more than I'd ever admit.
2. I don't have a favorite song, book, movie, or food. But, I do like the color blue, the number 4, the Orioles, and the gloaming.
3. Although I'm a constant list maker, the biggest decisions in my life have always been made spontaneously.
4. I'm eternally optimistic that I can change.
5. Most of the time I don't want to be the MML.
Posted by
7:01 PM
Thursday, November 15, 2007
It Sneaks Up Beside Me, Quiet And Quick
There is always too much to say. And, somehow, it still takes me by surprise.
Posted by
8:46 PM
I Can Only Shake My Head And Laugh (a.k.a - I Think This Explains It All)
Phone call with J tonight: Hey, guess what? I got you something.

Posted by
6:12 PM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
You've Gotta Love 8 Year Old Boys
Funniest thing overheard in my house this evening:
Noah to Liv: I don't have boobies. Just nibbles.
Me: Um, I think you mean nipples, buddy.
Noah: Oh yeah, same thing.
Posted by
5:54 PM
At Least It's Something
One day is better than none, right?
Shaky legs are awesome. Even if it is only exercise that caused it.
Posted by
10:10 AM
Dear Perpetual Runner,
Thank you for reminding me that I've been ignoring reality lately. I've been trying not to think too much about it because it gives me giant headaches. But, the truth is I'm a lazy slacker and should be reminded of this often. Somewhere there must be motivation that actually works for me. I just can't seem to find it. This has been my story for a long time now. Ideas, suggestions, punches in the neck? All are welcome. Otherwise, I'm taking a nap.
P.S. - Thanks for making sure my heart was working this morning. Judging by the thumping that occurred after you scared me, I'm thinking it's doing just fine.
Posted by
8:46 AM
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
What Number Are We On?
Looking out the window this afternoon, I'm suddenly wishing for an EP. Number 6? 7? I've lost track. Sure, the sky is gray. And, yes, I realize it's November. But, there are two gigantic piles of sticks from where the guys have been losing the battle against the beaver dam. They would make a bonfire that would last until the sun came up. And give plenty of light for the C.E. Interpretive Dance Number. And, really, what more do you need? The tequila has been feeling lonely.
Posted by
2:28 PM
If Only I Could Skip The Sleeping Part
I love night. I'm never going to be a morning person. It's just not physically possible. 4pm until 5am is when I am the happiest. But when your house is completely dark and you have to go to sleep it can get a little creepy playing single mom. Last night I went to bed and there was absolutely no light in the house. Complete, can't-see-your-hand-in-front-of-your-face darkness. Which would have been great, fine, ok until the noises started. The creaky floor noises. Ok, so the floors upstairs are a little creaky. But, as far as I know, someone has to step on the floor to make it creak. And, I know what you're thinking: it was one of our cats. Cats that like to freak me out because they think it's funny. But, both cats were on the bed with me asleep. And the floor creaked really loudly. Twice. So, at this point, I figure I have two options...1. Call a neighbor to come over and look for creaky, scary somethings walking around my house or 2. Shut my eyes and pretend that I didn't hear a thing. Because I'm lame but not that lame, I chose option two. Eventually I even fell asleep. Of course, I had terrible dreams and woke up in one of those moments where you're trying to scream but no sound comes out except maybe a teeny tiny little "eeeeeeeee" but that's a whole different story. The point is...I'm not that lame.
Posted by
8:13 AM
Monday, November 12, 2007
Maybe My Timing/Luck/Mojo/Whatever Has Returned
I was up for potential jury duty again tomorrow and as we got home this afternoon I had this sinking feeling in my stomach. This is the first day that I've forgotten to arrange babysitting before finding out if I'd be called in or not. After 4 times not being called in, I was pretty sure they'd need a jury tomorrow (because that's just how these things work when you're a pessimist). So, I called and sure enough the lady's voice on the message says "Listen carefully. If your name is called, be at court by 9:15 tomorrow morning." And then she starts reading a list of what seems like 800 names. And not one of them is mine or sounds like a mangled version of mine. I'm not sure how I missed being on the list but I'm grateful. Next time, the 27th, I'll go back to being my preplanning, obsessive list making self and be prepared. That'll guarantee I don't get called in...
Posted by
10:00 PM
The Best Way To Waste A Morning
Liv discovered my dirty little secret this morning. I still own the Ms. Pac Man game I received for Christmas when I was 8. And, amazingly, it still works. Just as amazing, it's still addictive. So, bad mommy that I am, instead of doing educational things we spent our morning improving our hand-eye coordination by playing the video game I received in 1983...

Posted by
1:38 PM
Sunday, November 11, 2007
But What I Do Know
is that I'm the master of chocolate cake making. Seriously. It completely rocked the casbah. Next Tres Leches experiment...strawberry.
Posted by
7:16 PM
The Problem With Mothers
coming to stay with you is that they like to snoop. Even when you're an adult. They still look through your stuff. And that really bugs me. Hope you found something good, Mom.
Posted by
2:13 PM
Early Evening Car Conversation
Noah: It's 5:55. Make a wish.
Me: I don't wish on 5:55, buddy.
Noah: What about 12:34?
Me: Nope. Never.
Noah: Oh, you only wish on 11:11?
Me: I don't even wish on that lately.
Noah: Why not?
Me: Well, because none of my wishes were ever coming true. Not even one.
Noah: That's why you have to keep wishing the same thing over and over.
Me: I did. Everyday for about 2 straight months. And Nothing.
Noah: (with very serious face) You really need to work harder at it.
Me: Oh
Nana: What did you wish for over 2 months?
Noah and I (in unison): Can't tell!!!!!!!!!!
Nana: It was probably about Hugh Laurie.*
Noah: Who's that? Oh, your boyfriend?
J: Oh geez...**
*For the record, I've never wished about Hugh Laurie. But I think it's great that my mom would think I'd, at age 32, use wishes on celebrities. Then again, I am a 32 year old woman contemplating wishes so maybe she's not that far off...
**This comment is made all the better since Noah had told J the day before that it was ok that I liked Hugh Laurie because he's rich and British. And that's not a bad thing for a dad to be. "But, don't worry, Dad. I'd still choose you."
Posted by
8:48 AM