What The Thunder Said

Friday, October 12, 2007

Thank You, Mr. Bartender. Next Time You're In Charge

Thanks for trying to fix my drink mistakes. Apparently, I'm the type of mixer who likes everyone to get drunk as quickly as possible. Dangerous stuff. After 3 drinks I'm already wondering - when do we start dancing?

Best Compliment I've Gotten All Week

"I saw the most beautiful sunset I've ever seen last night. It was probably one of the five most amazing things I've ever seen. I wish you'd been there because you are one of the few people in the world that would've appreciated how perfect it was."
I hope I'm always one of those people. I really do.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

A Small Cloud Drifts In Front Of The Sun

Sometimes the smallest little things give me an unexpected twinge of sadness. It's almost like the melancholy was sitting there all along just waiting for a chance to pop up and let me know it's never hidden too far away. And, then, like that, the moment passes.

This Is Way More Entertaining Than Doing Something Productive

Even though I think the computer program has no idea what it's talking about you should still visit:

Supposedly you upload a photo and it tells you which celebrity you resemble. I've been told I kind of look like Mary Steenburgen by a few people: which I could maybe see a little. But, somehow, this website thinks I look like Annie Lennox. I don't get it?
Either way, that was fun.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

It's Been Too Long Since I Posted Random Lyrics And Today Is A Good Day To Do It

Oldie but goody heard on the radio today:

I don't mind the sun sometimes, the images it shows.
I can taste you on my lips and smell you in my clothes
Cinnamon and sugary and softly spoken lies.
You never know just how you look through other people's eyes.
Pepper - Butthole Surfers

Just When I Thought I Could Forget About Aliens They Visit Me Again

Either that or I've been sleepwalking. I'm not sure which is scarier. How else to explain the fact that my A/C was off when I woke up at 5 this morning and the computer had been restarted?

I Realize It's Not Serious Like Peanuts or Wheat or Shellfish But Still I'm Annoyed

It is October and I'm starting to fight allergies all over again. Itchy, watery eyes and 90 degree weather should not happen in October! And, though it sounds stupid, having eye allergies messes with my brain. I think I'm insanely sleepy because my eyes are tired and half closed most of the day from being irritated and my brain translates this into "Go to Sleep." Of course, once you actually get in bed and try to fall asleep you realize that you're not very tired at all. So then the question becomes, do you take allergy medicine which will make you sleepy for the next 12 hours? Or suffer through and think you're sleepy when you're not? Arrrggghhhh. When is autumn really going to get here????

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

I Probably Should Say I Wasn't Thinking About It But I Was

Must've been a continuation of the strange dream.

Monday, October 8, 2007

When The Fine Print Is Too Fine To Read, You Have To Ask

Can you get a raincheck for 12 minutes? Or, since they were free, was it a "first come - first served", "limited supply" offer? These are very important questions. Maybe there's an answer in my official stalker handbook...

Will The Momentum Of A Perfect Weekend Keep It Going?

One POS'd game down. One to go. How hard can it be?

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Sometimes Doing The Unthinkable Is What You Have To Do

Today, I'm putting all differences aside. Today, I'm going against everything I know. Today, I'm gritting my teeth and biting my tongue.

Today, the Yankees and I are going to be friends. They better not let me down.

Exactly What I Needed

It was suggested that I blog about something but it's the middle of the night, I'm trying to sober up, and I've forgotten what it was I was supposed to write about. So, instead I'll just say that this is the kind of Saturday night I needed...I wasn't sure if they even still existed any more. And, yes, maybe I'm semi-lame-o now but that's because it's been a long time and I've forgotten what's what. Or at least that is the only excuse I can think of when I've had too much to drink. The good news is that the up-for-anything person I've missed reappeared for a few hours. I was beginning to think that he was a character I'd created in my head. If only I'd run those laps. I'd do it now...at 2:23 if I wasn't the only one awake. Guess I should throw in the towel...