My crazy superstition proved itself to be grounded in fact. Staying up until 5am when drinking guarantees no hangover. In fact, I awoke ravenous and happy. And no one needs more than 2 hours of sleep, right?
Although the night wasn't what I expected, starting with the weather, I had an excellent time. Even though 11:11 denied me both times yesterday, it's turning out to be the best birthday weekend I've had in years. Maybe it'll hit awesomely awesome before it's through. Just wait until I get some chips and salsa.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Go With What You Know
Posted by
11:01 AM
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Random Thoughts While Driving
I'm tired of rain and clouds and rainclouds. It's August. Shouldn't there be sun?
Thank you Target for allowing me to ignore Wal-Mart for months at a time.
Although I could live without Taco Bell, I have a secret spot in my heart for sporks. Even the word makes me happy.
Any song that starts off with:
"Well just because she feeds me well
And she made me talk dirty in a pink hotel
Doesn't mean she's got eyes for me
She might just want my bones you see"
is OK by me.
Is it Friday yet? How about now?
Posted by
2:11 PM
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Monday, August 20, 2007
Where Does The Time Go?
It's been days, DAYS, I tell you, since I caught 11:11 on the clock. I really could use a ridiculous wish right about now.
Posted by
12:38 PM
Sunday, August 19, 2007
My Turn For The Not So Fancy Internet
Oh, DSL, you're the bad boy of the internet world. You get my hopes up, leave me hanging, and still I believe your promises. Even when I run back to my slow but steady dial-up I'm still dreaming about you and hoping I'll run into you tomorrow...
Posted by
7:39 PM