The Thanksgiving binge continues. Because I'm married and both families live within driving distance, every year we are forced to endure two Thanksgivings. So this weekend we are visiting J's family and eating everything all over again; deliciously undoing any healthy eating habits I've had for the past few months. But, seriously, when you are offered lemon, pumpkin, coconut, chocolate and apple pie how are you supposed to have one slice? It's not humanly possible. I guess this means I'll be running every day for the next 3 months. 1 month per slice of pie. Yes, if you're keeping track at home, I ate 3 pieces of pie. UGH. UGH. UGH. The good news? I'm still Pictionary Champion of the Earth.
Tomorrow...a special episode of random lyrics dedicated to my friend, Mr. Bartender. Stay tuned.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Posted by
10:51 PM
Friday, November 23, 2007
Blast From The Past
So this evening I was checking my email, irrationally hoping that someone wants to buy our truck on this day after Thanksgiving. Why go shopping at 5am when you can just buy our truck, right? Makes sense to me. Anyway, on a whim I glanced at my draft folder, pretty sure that there was nothing in there. Um...completely wrong. There was an email in there I'd started in February....2001. It was one of the those random, stream of consciousness emails that I used to compose and then immediately delete after my anger, sadness, giddiness, whatever had passed. (No one ever said I wasn't a dork). Apparently this one needed extra time to process. Almost 7 extra years to be exact.
Hmmm...since I can't even figure out what it's about I'm thinking it's almost time to delete it. Maybe I'll give it another few weeks or so...just in case...
Posted by
8:12 PM
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving
I have so much to be thankful for today (and everyday). I remember last year at this time Liv told me that she was grateful for the letter I. This year I asked her about it and she said that I is not that important anymore but she is thankful for her eye. Preschoolers are so awesome.
Other good things to be thankful for today:
1. Spending time with my family (I couldn't ask for better). And, confirming once again that I have the cutest niece and nephews in the world. Thanks for hanging out with me, Baby T :)
2. Dogs that act like they've won the lottery when I walk through the door. And I wasn't even hiding a cookie in my pocket.
3. Delicious dinner cooked by my little cousin, The Supermodel. If that's her first time in the kitchen, she's a freakin' cookin' prodigy.
4. A grandmother who chastised us all for talking about tattoos and then kept asking for margaritas and a younger man, "a freaky one." She's so crazy :)
5. An uncle who never gets tired of asking about my porn collection. For years he's been under the impression that I have a big hidden stash of porn (which i don't) and every year I play along. 6. Pumpkin cake and German Chocolate pie.
7. The drive to Jim and Julie's where we learned that J's biggest childhood disappointment was that the letter B was not the third letter of the alphabet.
8. 75 degrees in November!!!!!
9. Making imaginary plans for when we have lots o' money. Oh, so many plans!
10. Health, Happiness, Love, Laughter, Food on the table, Shelter from the storms, Friends and Family.
What more could I possibly need?
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone. I hope your day was wonderful, too.
Posted by
6:37 PM
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Mystery Cat Does Not Take Rejection Well
But, really, who does? I walked out on the deck this afternoon and found that one of my bird feeders had been knocked to the ground. Plastic shards and sunflower seeds everywhere. Lovely. The crazy thing is that the 2 nails that were holding the feeder to the deck railing are still there, still straight, still exactly how they've always been. So maybe it wasn't Mystery Cat? Maybe it was those dern aliens again? How else to explain how the feeder was lifted up off the nails and thrown over the side?
Posted by
3:14 PM
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Who Is Creepier?
The Mystery Cat and his morbid gifts or the stalker neighbor who watches Mystery Cat sneaking around my house? Or me, who thinks that maybe there can never be too much stalking? ;)
Posted by
2:13 PM
Monday, November 19, 2007
What's Better Than Secret Posting?
Posting more than the recent norm when your non-blogging life is extra busy. Now that is worth chuckling about. And secretly chuckling makes my Monday a lot better.
Posted by
8:51 PM
Dear Mystery Cat,
I want you to know how much I appreciate your heartfelt gifts. The bird foot and pile of feathers you left on the front porch last week were such a surprise. I felt bad for removing them so quickly. Please know I put them in a very special place.
And then, this morning, a Monday morning no less, you brought me a perfectly intact, un-chewed on, dead mole. It was so lovely to find this on my sidewalk when I stepped outside.
Dear Mystery Cat, I do not know why I have become the object of your affection. Surely I do not deserve such beautiful gifts that must have taken you so much time and effort to pick out for me. But, Mystery Cat, ours is a love that can never be. Perhaps, and I say this gently, you should move on to someone who will be better able to give you the attention you need. I hear my neighbors really, really love cats...
Posted by
8:20 AM
Sunday, November 18, 2007
2 Things For Today
1. Drinking lots of margaritas and eating chips and salsa while playing poker late into the evening do not make for an easy run the next day. But, you know what? I got out there anyway. That's 3 days in a row, Perpetual Runner. And 3 is a good number to start with. So, thanks for the inspiration.
2. I woke up this morning singing the song I couldn't remember last night after the previously mentioned margaritas. So, here you go:
Posted by
2:32 PM
It's Officially The End Of An Era
I found out this morning that one of my very best and oldest friends has become a dad! Two perfect baby girls! Congrats! I love you, R :)
Posted by
10:35 AM