A kid free weekend and an afternoon date that lasted through the evening make for a good Saturday and our most important stop today was to see the new Indiana Jones movie. Is it wrong to say I still love Harrison Ford? More importantly though is how Indy made my day so much better than expected. I've been feeling pretty bad since Wednesday and today was no exception. Just this afternoon, I could barely breathe just walking around the house, feeling like a weight was sitting on my chest. As we were sitting in the theater waiting for the movie to start, my head resting on J's shoulder, feeling sleepy and achy, I started to feel a little better. 2 hours later? I felt almost good. At least 85% better. Dinner? Delicious and for the first time ever on a Saturday the restaurant wasn't packed. Shopping? I found a pair of pants I liked at the first store, the second pair I tried on. Insanity! Picking out N's birthday gift? At the register we found out that it was 33% off, unmarked, the sale ended tonight. Coincidence that all these good things happened after Indiana Jones smiled at me from the big screen today? I think not. He's totally still got it.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
The Wrong Way To Spend A Thursday (A Brief Whine)
I feel like all I've done today is wait. I'm sure it's all because I'm feeling not so great and trying really hard to get sick. So, what Earth shattering things am I waiting for so impatiently? I'm waiting on two email replies that may or may not ever come. I'm waiting on three packages from UPS that may or may not ever come. I'm waiting for N to come home so we can go out and get the giant PRIZE that J promised the kids (don't even get me started on that whole thing...), and I'm waiting for someone to randomly bring me ice cream just because my throat hurts. I'm sure there's more that I'm waiting on but those are the few things that I can't stop thinking about. I realize that if I actually got up and did something, anything even mildly productive, time might go a little faster and I might forget about all the waiting. But I can't make myself. I'd rather just sit here, feeling yucky, complaining, hoping that something happens soon.
I totally deserve a Suck It Up,CryBaby, don't I?
Posted by
2:28 PM
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
I've Told You Before
Moderation and I are not friends. We try, we have good intentions but we just don't get along. And apparently it's not only me that has noticed this. Tonight's dinner conversation:
N - (singing, of course) - My mom has two sides. Either really, really nice and very happy or grumpy....
Me (interrupting) - Only two sides? Nothing else?
N - Um...no, that's about it.
Me - Nothing in the middle?
N - Nope.
Me - Oh, well, which side am I on most often?
N - Definitely the happy side.
Now, I'm not sure if that's actually true or if he's just completely terrified of the grumpy side. Either way, even my 8 year old can tell that Moderation and I are just not meant to be. It's simply all or nothing.
Posted by
8:52 PM
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Tying Up Loose Ends
It feels like everything is coming together and coming to an end. Summer is approaching quicker than I can wish it here. With very few plans I feel like I'm ready to move on and get out. But it never works out to be that easy, does it?
Posted by
6:00 PM
Sunday, May 18, 2008
That's What I'm Talking About
We decided to redo last week's rainy Mother's Day hike and get back to Skyline Drive yesterday. The weather was a great, calm, sunny 65 degrees up on the mountain and so we decided to see if the kids could tackle the 4 mile Rose River Trail. I don't know why I hesitated. The kids were so awesome...they not only conquered the trek with happy skipping, rock climbing, stick throwing, bug counting and picnic eating, they ended up challenging J to a race to the end of the fire road. We got back to the parking area a little sweaty and a little tired to find 3 deer calmly standing, waiting for us beside the car. And to my kids, being able to stand that close to deer was even better than all the amazingly beautiful cascades and waterfalls we saw...though they admit the water was a close second. Another good weekend? Yeah, I think we're on a roll.
Posted by
10:22 AM