I've decided that the reason I keep going to bed so early each night is not because I'm so sleepy. It's because I'm so freakin' cold! And without any good TV to give me a reason to suffer through the frostbite, I just head to my warm toasty bed. And please, please don't tell me to layer. J tried to give me that advice the other day..."If you layered like me you'd be fine." Ok, so I sit here at night in a tshirt, sweatshirt, zip-up hoodie (hood up), with 2 pairs of socks and slippers plus pj pants and you tell me to add more layers? I don't think I'd be able to move. It's a fact of life, once November hits, I'm not warm until April and even then sometimes I get chilled at night...even in summer. And while I'd like to think it's because I keep the thermostat set low, no one else complains and the kids can't keep their blankets on at night so it's just me. I'm the big cold freak. With the really, really warm heart...of course :)
Friday, December 21, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
My Couch Is Not Red
I don't own a magical couch like the one next door...the one with the power to make everything better. In fact, I don't even own a share of this miracle sofa. My couch doesn't cure hangovers, calm children, or make insomniacs sleep. My couch is just an ugly old couch. But, somehow, last night, for one evening only, my friendly little couch became a perfect red couch and I fell asleep before 10. Niiiiiiiiiiiice.
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8:10 AM
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Perils Of Obsessive Listmaking
Suddenly you realize that it's Wednesday and although the things on your list for the week are being crossed off at a decent pace, you begin to remember things that you forgot to add to the list in the first place. In fact, your list has just grown by another 100% because you're dumb and forgetful...the whole reason you had a list to begin with...
But, on the bright side, here's a little secret: When you volunteer to help sort out the cookies for the preschool cookie exchange while all the kids are on a field trip, the teacher helping you begs, pleads, asks time and again for you to eat a cookie or two. And, let me tell you, I like me some cookies.
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12:19 PM
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Willpower? What Willpower?
Ever get an idea in your head and you know it's a bad one? And the more you think about it the more you realize it's a bad idea and the more you want to do it anyway? You can kid yourself all you want and maybe even delay the action a little bit but, really, who are you fooling?
I'm having one of those mornings.
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9:27 AM
Monday, December 17, 2007
Sometimes There Is No Title
Although I can pinpoint it all to an exact moment, the biggest difference, the most important of all, is happening now.
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5:01 PM
How Do I Know It's Almost Christmas?
1. I almost doubled my grocery budget for the week because I had to pay for the joy that is holiday baking. I'm always shocked by the price of a cart loaded down with things like chocolate chips, M&Ms, brown sugar, sweetened condensed milk, etc, etc. Oh, and the all important Whiskey Sours Mix :)
2. I keep running into people that say crazy things. I think almost everyone I know has, ha ha ha, forgotten to use all their vacation time this year and, ha ha ha, has to take the rest of the month off. I'm sorry, I like you, but you are completely insane. How do you forget about vacation time???
But you know what? I really, honestly, love this time of year :)
Posted by
12:46 PM
Sunday, December 16, 2007
I Was Going To Cheer And Dance
Happy for the fact that my Powers Of Suggestion apparently work for football. Sorry, losing team :) However, after Friday I've learned that being too excited about good fortune (aka the shininess) only leads to heartbreak. So, instead I'm just gonna say "Good Game."
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8:17 PM