What The Thunder Said

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Cheating Death (or How To Survive A Hangover)

Who knew that a perfectly red couch placed under a ceiling fan, jazz drifting around the room, the peaceful clickety-clack of typing, seven white corn tortilla chips, and a surprise pepsi could bring me back to life? There has got to be some sort of awesomely awesome neighbor award. A giant trophy and a big bag of money still wouldn't be enough. I don't deserve such next-door goodness.

Friday, August 10, 2007

You Can't Go Wrong With Ani

I love listening to the radio and hearing a song I haven't thought about in years. Today it was "32 Flavors"

"And I'm beyond your peripheral vision
So you might want to turn your head
Cause someday you might find yourself starving
And eating all of the words you said"

Here's The Kicker

It all comes full circle and I find myself back in the same spot again. Maybe Monday will look better.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

I Need To Believe It Could Never Be True

You lose more of yourself than you redeem/Doing the decent thing
-Seamus Heaney

83 Steps

More than I would've thought.

Monday, August 6, 2007

At Least Until You Pass Out

Crickets escaping
Vibrations under my hands
Zen of Push Mowing

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Revelation #2

Optimists are stupid.

Hope Springs? Or Naivete?

Earlier today I realized something shocking, completely mystifying, and a little bit scary. Where I thought there was only a bitter, jaded cynic, I, apparently, have been hiding an optimist. It may not seem like much but I'm not sure how she got there or how long she's been keeping quiet. And, I have no idea what to do with this revelation...

And I Think It's Gonna Be a Long, Long Time

Two-Thirty and sleep is still that ever elusive dream I'm constantly chasing. Two-Thirty and even Alaska isn't awake. Two-Thirty is a time for forgetting directions and embracing vanilla vodka. My restless mind and fidgeting legs want to run but the darkness outside is too deep. Grrrr...I hate this.