What The Thunder Said

Sunday, May 18, 2008

That's What I'm Talking About

We decided to redo last week's rainy Mother's Day hike and get back to Skyline Drive yesterday. The weather was a great, calm, sunny 65 degrees up on the mountain and so we decided to see if the kids could tackle the 4 mile Rose River Trail. I don't know why I hesitated. The kids were so awesome...they not only conquered the trek with happy skipping, rock climbing, stick throwing, bug counting and picnic eating, they ended up challenging J to a race to the end of the fire road. We got back to the parking area a little sweaty and a little tired to find 3 deer calmly standing, waiting for us beside the car. And to my kids, being able to stand that close to deer was even better than all the amazingly beautiful cascades and waterfalls we saw...though they admit the water was a close second. Another good weekend? Yeah, I think we're on a roll.

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