What The Thunder Said

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Yay Spring!

Guess what happens when the weather is perfect, you spend 3 hours at the soccer field, it's early in the year and you are super pale?

Wonder who forgot to put sunscreen on her arms? Remember what I said about genius? I take it back...I'm an idiot :)

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Brace Yourselves

I need to vent.


I just found out that my idiot sister and her two demon children invited themselves for dinner on Sunday. Then my stepmom proceeded to tell me what kind of food the above mentioned kids and sister would like to eat. Um...sorry. You'll eat what I'm fixing or you can go home. I'm hoping they choose the latter. Think I'm mean? It's only because you haven't met them yet. And to think, I'd been looking forward to Sunday, silly, silly me. Grrrrrrr.

Monday, April 7, 2008

The Secret Life Of The MML

I've been hiding the fact that I'm a mechanical freakin' genius. Yes, that's right, I got the lawnmower started this afternoon. It took me about 2 minutes and a screwdriver. Ha! Genius, I tell ya!

Now, if only someone could show me how to put a new inner tube in, I would actually be able to mow...