What The Thunder Said

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Today It Was "Head Over Feet"

It seems so strange to me, the way memory works. I'm guessing it's no surprise to anyone to hear that music is a big memory cue for me. I hear a song on the radio that I haven't heard for years and suddenly I remember a time and place, a specific moment or specific person that I was with when I heard the song. Today, Alanis Morissette came on singing "Head Over Feet" and I was instantly taken back to a conversation in a 7-11 parking lot during a rare bright moment of Evil Summer '96. The whole thing segued into me thinking about the power of the sense of smell. I know research says that so much of our memory is based on smell but it still bowls me over when I smell something (I've never figured out what it is) that reminds me of being in preschool. And then, just recently, the memory evoked by a particular scent made me almost forget to breathe. I had to decide whether or not to stay and try to maintain my composure or run away from it; the memory was so strong and unexpected. Maybe someone should tell me it's all just more proof that I remember too much, think about too much, live inside my head too much? Better yet, tell me it's like that for everyone...

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