What The Thunder Said

Saturday, November 24, 2007


The Thanksgiving binge continues. Because I'm married and both families live within driving distance, every year we are forced to endure two Thanksgivings. So this weekend we are visiting J's family and eating everything all over again; deliciously undoing any healthy eating habits I've had for the past few months. But, seriously, when you are offered lemon, pumpkin, coconut, chocolate and apple pie how are you supposed to have one slice? It's not humanly possible. I guess this means I'll be running every day for the next 3 months. 1 month per slice of pie. Yes, if you're keeping track at home, I ate 3 pieces of pie. UGH. UGH. UGH. The good news? I'm still Pictionary Champion of the Earth.

Tomorrow...a special episode of random lyrics dedicated to my friend, Mr. Bartender. Stay tuned.

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