What The Thunder Said

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Obvious Lesson For The Day

Procrastination does not pay. Yesterday, after spending most of my time straightening up the house for a showing, I found out that the people needed to reschedule for today. Great! That gives me time to veg out, watch tv and get to bed early. Look at that, I even have time to waste on surfing the Internet and catching up on my blog reading. Because, really, why not put it off? All I had left to do was laundry folding (and putting away), dishes and counter cleaning, cleaning out the bird cage, and sweeping. All the other stuff was done and the house actually looked pretty decent. So, I put it off. I actually went to bed at the insane early hour of 10:00. And, then, lucky me, I woke up this morning with a headache. Not even a regular, little, easy to ignore headache. Nope, a this will be a migraine no matter what you do headache. So, now, after medicine and napping and lots of water, I'm unable to make myself finish the cleaning. The headache has moved in and refuses to budge. It's letting me know that a) I'm not really an alien (no matter what CBAD thinks) and they're now pinging the chip implanted in my head, too or b) I am an alien and this is my punishment from the Mother Ship for not denying it vehemently enough yesterday and apparently giving my secret away. Either way, it stinks and I have to get back to my cleaning. If only I had just one more day...

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