What The Thunder Said

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Rediscovering A Useless Skill I Didn't Know I Still Had

Liv was inconsolable this afternoon, so upset because she hasn't yet learned to do a cartwheel at the ripe old age of 4. I assured her that most 4 year olds can't do this (and secretly hoped I was right about this). Still, we trekked to the backyard for a lesson. The only problem: how do you explain how to do a cartwheel when there is no one around that can do one? So, I tried and tried to explain, tried to hold her while I explained, tried to just make her body move through the motions. Nothing, not even close. So, finally, I sucked up my pride and tucked in my shirt to demonstrate that even I can't do a cartwheel. Haven't even tried in probably 15 years. Skip, Hop, Over, Land on my feet. OH MY GOD! I can still do a cartwheel! Who would've thought? So, of course, after that, I had to cover the yard in cartwheels. Standing-still-slow cartwheels, running-fast cartwheels, jump-up-in-the-air-before-crashing into a clumsy cartwheel. Fun, Fun Saturday afternoon silliness. It wasn't pretty but it was awesomely awesome. Next weekend...Roundoffs...

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