What The Thunder Said

Saturday, December 20, 2008


I'm so tired of sunless skies. I swear, I think that if you are prone to bouts of depression (which I'm reluctantly starting to admit I am) Ohio will drive you to the brink. In 2 months I know we've had less than 10 days of sun (including that hour yesterday). I wasn't expecting this...it's not like we're in Seattle or London, it's the Midwest! Tornadoes, yes. Constant clouds, not so much. That human feeling I mentioned previously? Totally gone again. Now I'd rather have a shot (or 4) of vodka and a nap.

Did I mention it's supposed to snow again tonight? Arrggghhhh!! Good thing there are cookies (i'm finished baking so i can't complain about them anymore :)) and Charlie Brown to cheer me up!!

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