What The Thunder Said

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

It's Only Tuesday And Already I've Learned

  • I really dislike shucking corn. (Ok, technically, I already knew this but it was reaffirmed last night).
  • Dreams in which everything looks like a computer game and all the action is controlled by "pointing and clicking" are annoying. It makes me grit my teeth just thinking about how every single dream I had last night was in this format.
  • I may never understand J's organizational skills. The last time we set up the big tent (for N's camping party) we couldn't find the rainfly. Today, when I went to empty a tub labeled "maternity clothes" for a trip to Goodwill I found...an air mattress and the rainfly inside. No maternity clothes.
  • When you are forced to watch MASH at 11pm on a Monday night...it's really not that bad. (But remind me why we've made a conscious decision to only have one TV in the house again!?!)
  • Making a big decision sucks.

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