What The Thunder Said

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Dear Killdeer,

I just want you to know that you are a beautiful little bird and a fantastic mother. In fact, your Oscar worthy performance yesterday while I was mowing almost made me forget that I had just swallowed a bug (Don't ask how that happened. It defies explanation). I knew your fancy broken wing act and loud screeching were an attempt to lead me away from your nest. I hope you realize what a good job you did. I spent more time looking for the nest than actually mowing. I became so paranoid about running over an egg (especially after that nasty turtle incident I had a few weeks ago...) that I refused to mow properly under the crape myrtles. I finally gave up and wished you well.

But, HA!, I bet you didn't know that I'm an experienced stalker and with a little patience and my trusty binoculars I spotted you this morning. A quick trek up the driveway and I found your sweet speckled egg. Um, Killdeer, I'm not one to judge but, um, did you have to make your nest in the middle of my driveway? Now I'm terrified every time I drive in and out that I'm going to run over that egg. I appreciate the fact that you charged my car this morning in an attempt to make me change my course, but there's no need to worry, I can drive in a straight line and your egg is still safe. Did you stay on your egg last night during the heavy winds and torrential downpours? I can't think of any other way that your egg wouldn't have washed down the driveway. If you did, I'm impressed. However, I'm a little worried because N is having a birthday party this weekend and I'm not sure the drivers of the guests will be as careful as I was. You're making me a nervous wreck, Killdeer. I was happy to read that your baby will leave the nest almost as soon as it hatches because if I had to think about driving over a cute baby bird I might not leave the house until it was gone. And a shut in MML is not a pretty sight.


A confused and concerned but soft-hearted MML

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