What The Thunder Said

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Not Even An Eeek Escaped

After 16 years of driving, it's finally happened. I hit my first animal while driving today. My stepbrother flipped his SUV last week trying to avoid a dog (the dog was killed anyway, my brother crawled out with only some nasty scrapes and bruises) and I had that accident fresh in my mind. Still, I didn't think I'd actually hit the little squirrel that just wouldn't run this morning. I couldn't swerve into oncoming traffic so I slowed down as much as I could and...ugh. Liv was in the car with me and I didn't want to freak her out so I didn't say anything even though inside I was jumping up and down and screeching. Instead, I contorted my face into the ugliest possible position and kept on driving. 16 years and not even a frog or a snake has passed under my tires. I'm really sorry, Squirrel.

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