What The Thunder Said

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

This Time I'm Serious (or 2008 Is My Year)

Every year around this time something magical takes place. Without fail, we take time to watch our favorite Christmas movies. There's something about working on Christmas presents or wrapping or just sitting around with a cup of Earl Grey and watching classics like It's a Wonderful Life, Miracle on 34th Street, and National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. One of my favorites is White Christmas. I can't get enough of the music, the look Danny Kaye gives Bing Crosby when he rubs his arm, the elaborate costumes, just the whole cheesy thing. I love it. But, my very favorite part is the showgirl who says in her nasally, grating voice "Mutual, I'm sure." Every single time it cracks me up and every single year I boldly declare "I'm totally going to start saying that!" And, then, every single year, I forget. But, this time I'm serious. This time I'm dedicated. 2008 is going to be the year where I will bring "Mutual, I'm sure" back to common usage. You've been warned. Mutual, I'm sure...

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