What The Thunder Said

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I Realize It's Not Serious Like Peanuts or Wheat or Shellfish But Still I'm Annoyed

It is October and I'm starting to fight allergies all over again. Itchy, watery eyes and 90 degree weather should not happen in October! And, though it sounds stupid, having eye allergies messes with my brain. I think I'm insanely sleepy because my eyes are tired and half closed most of the day from being irritated and my brain translates this into "Go to Sleep." Of course, once you actually get in bed and try to fall asleep you realize that you're not very tired at all. So then the question becomes, do you take allergy medicine which will make you sleepy for the next 12 hours? Or suffer through and think you're sleepy when you're not? Arrrggghhhh. When is autumn really going to get here????

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