What The Thunder Said

Monday, August 27, 2007

Looking At The Glass As Half Full

Good things that happened today:

1. Waking up to 3 giggly girls who couldn't contain their noise no matter how hard they tried.
2. Lunch with my mom complete with dessert and a present.
3. Thought provoking conversation with J about religion and intelligence and humor. (Not all at the same time!)
4. An unexpected kid-free afternoon and nap.
5. Beautiful weather to sit on the deck and just be quiet.
6. My phone works again!
7. I haven't been kicked off the Internet for at least 30 minutes.
8. A four year old telling me I have the best neck she's ever seen.
9. A bag of books to keep me busy for at least 2 months.
10. The promise of warm bread coming soon.

Hmmm...suddenly, I'm having a hard time remembering why I was feeling overwhelmed and frustrated earlier...

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