What The Thunder Said

Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Eternal Insomnia Saga Continues

For weeks upon weeks I've had trouble sleeping. Endless nights spent sitting outside in the dark or aimlessly wandering around the house. Midnight, 2 am, 4am, it doesn't matter, I'm always awake.
Last night, with no intention of sleeping, I crashed, completely, before 9:30, only to be startled awake at 12:30 by the sound of a door closing. Nervously, I got up to check out every room - after stopping in the kitchen for a knife (figuring I'd at least go down fighting). I didn't find anything but I was still jumpy. For the normal person you'd think this would make it difficult to go back to sleep but, Oh No!, no me - I don't remember anything else until 8:30 this morning.
Lesson learned? The secret to curing insomnia is this: Have a reason to stay awake and then think that scary aliens are in your house. 11 hours of deep, deep dreamless sleep are guaranteed to be yours.

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